
Company History

Pumping Efficiency Testing Services, (PETS), has been monitoring and testing pumping systems and establishing baseline data for facilities since 1989. PETS owner has worked with the Utilities and State Energy Efficiency Programs staff since 1979.

Energy efficiency testing of pumping systems is one of the utilities oldest energy efficiency services. Implemented in the 1920’s as a marketing tool to provide data to their customers indicating how much more efficient electric pumps are than gas pumps. Pumping Efficiency Testing Services, (PETS), has evolved their services over the years from a pump testing service, to a testing and monitoring company evaluating all aspects of energy efficiency improvement projects for all types of facilities.

In addition to pumping systems we monitor facilities for retro-commissioning (RCx) potential and accomplished project energy cost savings. We establish baseline data for municipal, industrial, waste water, agricultural and food processing projects.

State and Utility Energy Efficiency Program Company

PETS is a California pump test and monitoring company contacted by the California Energy Commission, California Public Utilities Commission, in addition to engineers and pumping contractors to perform tests for their energy efficiency improvement projects.

Experience in Testing

Our company has over thirty years of experience including 10 years working for PG&E, 23 years contracting with California utilities and the State of California in energy efficiency, alternative energy, and conservation and Demand/Power reduction programs. Twenty-seven years of pumping efficiency testing, performing thousands of tests in California, including; high pressure, high velocity systems, and closed loop systems.

PETS specializes in city, county and state water systems, industrial systems including combining cooling towers, HVAC and process supply waters. We specialize in high HP testing and monitoring, verification of State Water and Air Quality Standards, and plant flow meters.

PETS tests and monitors for universities, municipal water supply systems, swimming pools, boilers, chiller pumps, and process equipment. We determine systems and equipment operational efficiencies, and cost effective improvements. Additional services are provided for irrigation and reclamation districts, and state agencies including Fish and Game. We provide state required tests for agricultural utilization of rivers and streams.

Monitoring Facilities Equipment

Monitoring involves establishing trend data, measurements of pumping equipment, HVAC, refridgeration, and compressors over a given period. Data loggers and recording instruments are installed and record variations in operations of facility or equipment.

We evaluate facilities for Retro-commissioning (RCx) Projects determining the operational improvements that can be made to control systems to save energy. We compare how the system was designed to run, compared to how it is actually running. If system controls have fallen out of calibration, we see if the controls set points, operating the system, are running the system as designed or as efficiently as possible. Is the equipment operating as efficiently as possible? Is the pipe sizing proper or are valves restricting flows unnecessarily? Would variable frequency controls support an energy savings scenario?

State/Utility Incentives Program Testing Company

PETS has a long history of working with California utilities, the California Energy Commission, the California Public Utilities Commission, and Local Government Partnerships to provide documentation for energy efficiency incentive programs.

Equipment Expertise

Extensive utilization of ultra-sonic flow equipment, and intrusive flow reading equipment, including Collins Pitot Tubes and Hall Impact Tubes.

Experienced in the use of PowerSight and other electrical measuring and monitoring equipment, included in the category of Multi-meters, measuring Volt/Amp, kW, KVAR, Power Factor and more. We also have the capability to take reading from utility power and energy meters to determine instantaneous demand and energy reading.

Various pieces of monitoring equipment including data logging for measuring humidity, temperature, air flows, water table/levels level loggers, pressure loggers and more.

We have a perfect safety record and extensive experience in accessing electrical panels.

Getting Ahead of the Ball